Mavic Air 1st Photos: 4K video…32MP Stills….21 Minute Battery

Mavic Air 1st Photos: 4K video…32MP Stills….21 Minute Battery

Sell your Spark as quick as you can.

The new Mavic Air is smaller and better and it folds.

It’s basically a Mavic / Spark hybrid jammed into a compact, folding body.

Stereo downard VPS

So far we’ve seen that it has stereo downward Visual Positioning System.

All four prop arms fold into the Mavic Air body, and integrated risers from the props fold 90 degrees to become part of the enclosed shell of the Mavic Air.

The new Mavic Air is densely packaged…once you get one in your hands you’ll see how this tiny slug of a drone has not wasted a millimeter of space.  And that means advanced features, flight modes and capabilities.

Comes in multiple colors like the Spark.

But here’s the best part about the new Mavic Air: it shoots 4K video AND has a 32 MP camera.

Other features include being able to operate using the remote control or gesture mode.  Three direction obstacle avoidance.

But we gotta say, having a 32MP camera and 4K video actually means you can sell more than your Spark.

And with a 21 minute battery life, the Mavic Air has pushed the Spark into obsolescence at the ripe old age of 7 months! 

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